Toolkit: Suicide Risk Assessment and Response to Patient Suicide
Ways to Cope
Decrease isolation by talking to people
Chief residents
Training directors
Attending Supervisors involved in case
Attending Supervisors NOT involved in case
Prior Attending Supervisors NOT involved in case
Consider taking a day off of work at some point after the event to reflect
Read literature on suicide risk assessment
Read literature on dealing with the death of a patient
Engage in Reparative Behaviors
Consider being a resource for a younger resident
Consider giving a case conference on the topic
Consider giving an APA workshop on the topic
Consider writing a paper about your experience
[Adapted from Chapter 24: Psychiatrist Reactions to Patient Suicide
by Dr. Michael Gitlin in Simon, RI and Hales, RE. Textbook of Suicide Assessment
and Management. 2006. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. Washington, DC. snd the Columbia University Medical Center Packet for Resident Whose Patient Committed Suicide]