Toolkit: Suicide Risk Assessment and Response to Patient Suicide
Patient suicide guidelines for SUPPORT PERSON
This document is to serve as a guideline for residents and faculty and should not take the place of sound clinical judgment. Each event should be evaluated on a case by case basis. The particular sequence of actions taken should be tailored to the specific patient, resident(s) and attending involved with the case.
In the event of any suicide event:
When contacted by resident arrange meeting within 24 to 72 hours of event.
Provide support and listening.
Touch base with resident as needed for the first month and arrange a second meeting 8 weeks following the event for follow-up.
Information gathered in support sessions should be confidential to the extent allowed by law and not be used in evaluation of the resident. Resident should be informed of this.
Check-in/Support meeting is not intended to be therapy. However, a determination of whether additional therapy is needed should be made and if appropriate, a referral can be placed.